產品說明Introduction: 散裝燃煤熱水鍋爐有DHL型和SHL型,DHL系列散裝鍋爐為單鍋筒橫向布置水管散裝鍋爐。SHL系列散裝鍋爐為雙鍋筒橫向布置水管散裝鍋爐。鍋爐由上鍋筒、水冷壁、對流管束、鋼管式省煤器、管式空氣預熱器等部件組成。鍋爐前部由水冷壁組成爐膛,并由前后水冷壁構成前后水冷拱,水平煙道內設置對流管束,鍋爐尾部布置鋼管式省煤器和管式空氣預熱器。燃燒設備采用鱗片式不漏煤爐排,分倉室通風結構,調節(jié)靈敏,爐排由無級變速齒輪箱驅動。鍋爐散裝出廠,工地現(xiàn)場組裝。 DHL型、SHL型系列散裝鍋爐具有出力足,熱效率高;煤種適應性強;安全可靠,爐內消煙除塵好等優(yōu)點。廣泛用于集中供熱的領域。 |
WNS automatic oil(gas)-fired steam/hot water boiler is the horizontal,three-return,fire-return,fire-tube boiler,mainlu consisting of housing,tank,diversion smoke chamber and fire tubes.Boiler can use light oil,heavy oil,natural gas,liquefied gas and urban coal gas.
The wet-backj corrugated tank can effectively reduce the thermal stress and improve the safety and life of boiler.
Heatingj areas are laid summetrically for reasonable pressure and expansion.
Sound layout of heating areas ensure good water circulation and heat ecchange,optimizing the effect of heat transfer and increasing the heating efficiency.
Steam boiler integrates the lower-level combustion chamber to expand the range of safe water level and stesm space in the boiler and to guarantee the good-quality steam.
Full butt-welding wet-back structure can avoid the rear wall from damage of hot fume and provide the reliable operation of boiler.
Select the worldly well-known burner and advanced automatic control systerm for more stable combustion,easier operation and safe and more reliable running.
Listed models are tyical.IF other models are need,please refer to drawings and data available.